Tuesday 13 October 2020

Fusionex virtual event platform powers Mint Communications’ school fair online

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 12 -- Multi-award-winning AI and Big Data technology leader Fusionex has been selected by Mint Communications as Technology Partner to take their Private & International School Fair on its maiden digital voyage into the virtual realm.

To meet the demands of international and private schools as well as cater to the needs of parents during a time of restricted physical events and social distancing, Mint Communications has decided to embark on a journey of digital transformation.

By moving the fair online, the Malaysia-based international school marketing provider and fair organiser is now able to offer a platform for schools to reach out to and engage with parents while allowing online ‘attendees’ to search for suitable schools from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

True to Fusionex’s strong culture of innovation, the state-of-the-art virtual platform powered by the tech leader’s advanced digital technologies was designed to offer engaging and seamless event experiences for parents and exhibitors on various web browsers and multimedia devices at all times.

The platform also provides a comprehensive solution, from the point of registration to post-event analytics; driving leads, encouraging loyalty, enabling revisits and highlighting the exceptionality of each school.

The virtual fair, held in mid-August, saw high online traffic as it had attracted over 213,000 unique visitors, a massive jump from its usual physical exhibition traffic of between 12,000 and 15,000 attendees. 

According to a statement, parents who attended virtually praised the fair for its informative content, rewatchability, indepth virtual tours and for providing a straightforward and safe avenue for them to participate.

Exhibitors of the virtual fair include Alice Smith School, Asia Pacific Schools, Beaconhouse Schools, Cranbridge Education Group, HELP International School, International Islamic School Malaysia and Kingsley International School.


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