Friday 13 November 2020

APRU partners United Nations ESCAP, Google on AI for Social Good report

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 10 -- APRU has partnered with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (United Nations ESCAP) and Google to launch the AI for Social Good report, calling for AI innovation to aid post-COVID recovery.

This is the third project exploring AI’s impact on Asia-Pacific societies to offer research-based recommendations to policymakers that focus on how AI can empower work towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

APRU Secretary General, Chris Tremewan said: “APRU members have incredible research depth in the challenges facing this region, from extreme climate events and the global COVID-19 pandemic to complex cross-border problems.”

“Bringing their expertise and AI innovation together in a collective effort makes a powerful contribution to our societies and our planet’s health.”

Researchers’ insights underpin the report’s recommendations for developing an environment and governance framework conducive to AI for Social Good - a term encompassing increasingly rapid technological changes occurring amidst inequality, the urgent transition to renewable energy and unexpected international tensions.

According to a statement, the report’s multidisciplinary studies provide the knowledge and perspectives of researchers from Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, India and Australia.

Combining local understanding with international outlook is essential for policymakers to respond with regulation that enables international tech firms to contribute to the common good.

The key recommendations are multi-stakeholder governance must push innovation to realise AI’s full potential; establish standardised data formats and interoperability; and, address data privacy concerns and protect individual dignity.


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