Thursday 19 November 2020

Physically-challenged take a bite at China's livestreaming boom cherry


KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 17 -- Wheelchair-bound Shi Zaohua, 29, has garnered a 200,000-strong fan base, thanks to finding her niche in livestreaming e-commerce.

One of a growing number of livestreamers, she is now fully occupied by China's largest annual online shopping event, Singles' Day or Double Eleven, which fell on Wednesday.

Early in the morning, she heads to her office in the city of Longnan, one of the least developed areas in northwest China's Gansu Province and on her virtual store, sells local specialties from Sichuan pepper to traditional Chinese medicinal materials to customers nationwide.

According to a statement, Shi became wheelchair-bound following a car crash in 2013. This left her without an opportunity to work.

Her break came the following year, when Longnan native Du Guiying established a farmers' cooperative - following the local government’s call to promote e-commerce to alleviate rural poverty - and invited Shi to help manage her online store and to try livestreaming e-commerce.

In early March, Shi made her successful livestreaming debut, selling products worth a total of around 30,000 yuan (US$4,548) in a single day. (US$1 = RM4.104)

Shi says e-commerce live streaming brings people like her a mixture of fortune, dignity and hope.

In Longnan, a total of 366 online stores are now run by people with physical disabilities, and jobs have been created for more than 670 such workers.


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